
fn only_alive_for_at_least(
    self: AllocationList,
    duration: Duration
) -> AllocationList

Returns a new AllocationList with only the allocations that were alive for at least the given duration.

This only considers the span of time from when the allocation was last allocated (e.g. through malloc or realloc) until it was freed or reallocated (e.g. through free or realloc), or until the profiling was stopped.

For example, for the following allocation pattern:

void * a0 = malloc(size);

void * a1 = realloc(a0, size + 1);
void * a2 = realloc(a2, size + 2);

this code:


will only match the first a0 allocation since only it lived for at least one second.

You can use only_chain_alive_for_at_least if you'd like to take the lifetime of the whole allocation chain into account starting from the very first malloc and persisting through any future reallocations.